


kepikiran napa:
.alamat blogku puanjaaang beut? ga efektif
.judulnya "a piece of VigaNatasa"? padahal kan aku ga bisa buat horcrux
.aku jadi ga narsis banget lg? wew aku baru nyadar
.laptopku ga meninggalkan diriku? hiks
.uangku abis mulu? praexam syndrome
.aku ga suka siapa"? biasanya kan gampang suka siapa"
.aku ga pengen pulang? padahal kangen mama
.ga pengen belajar? emang pernah pengen?

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something in 23th

uda lamaaa banget ga update blog. since when? since long long long loooong time ago. ngomong" Long jadi inget sama Long's resto. just a few day ago i visited that place. with @phei and @kaince. nyaampuuun kangeen bangget ama Ras1s. do you remember when we [not all of us exactly] ate there? laughing-munching-gosipping-bragging-joking things we usually do when we together. and being crazy even more when we are all together in one place in an enough-long-to-be-crazy time. Hahahaha :D so fun to be with you. and three years soso in SHS is never enough. maybe forever is just never enough to be with you.
and then back to the Long's resto, i feel like eating those special crab menus. hmm nyamnyam. and then I'll go to The Premiere booking the ticket for HP7part1 with some of Ras1s left. that would be a-definitely-wonderful-and-fun day hohoho.
oh yeah, you know I've been study in FMUA for about some-months. yes I have soo-many new classmate--i mean--colleges. and yes I also have some Ras1s that left behind--here. it's good to have some--even it's so little 'some', but I always wanting for more and more. am I greedy? maybe. ah everythings just back to Ras1sthings again and again

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- hold your breath -
........ and ..........
- scream out loud right now, right away !!! -

sorry, i'm a bit lebbay [too much?]
yes, our [my class'] yearbook photos are out !! the result is soooooo good !! especially mine :D
i want to show it to you all so badly, i want to post it in my blog this second. but, if you know the pages before the book is out then it won't be any surprise anymore. so, i hold it for a bit >< and for now, i wanna give you some description of ours.
our theme: simple [really simple]
the front page is our picture. ras1s. the 28 of us :D it's really really rare for us [28 unique creatures] to be in the same picture at the same time you know. we're look so solid, actually yes we're. look all the smile at our faces. so happy, innocent, cute, handsome, pretty, lovable etc. ^_^
first three pages is about us. ras1s in the badges maaaaan !! so there will be some information about us. and of course there will be our badges too. so 'wow'
the second 'some' pages is filled with our photo couples. i cant describe it one by one 'cause i dont know how to ahahaha so indescribable.
the last page is photos about us divided into 4 groups [@7 peoples]. we look like in some poster of some movie cast. cool :P and that's all

i just remembered one photo that suppose to appear but it didn't. it's our photos at the hills. i think it would be good too. but i don't know why it didn't appear tough. what a shame D:
can't wait the actual book o.0

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huahahahaha uda update lagi !!
saya tertawa sangat keras tapi tak bersuara
karena ini udah malem
jadi ga bole rame rame
ssssssssst ..

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bete di ubun - ubun

bete X[

bete banget ama mas nya yg sok buanget !!
aaaaaargh .. !!
saya tahu anda pintar. saya tahu anda profesional. tapi saya mohon,
jangan memperlakukan saya seperti orang bodoh yang tak tahu apa - apa. shit !!

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the best thing in life

1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. A special glance.
5. Getting mail (from him).
6. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
7. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
8. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
9. Hot towels out of the dryer.
10. Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price.
11. Chocolate milkshake.
12. A long distance phone call.
13. A bubble bath.
14. Giggling.
15. A good conversation.

16. The beach.
17. Finding money in your coat from last time.
18. Laughing at yourself.
19. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
20. Running through sprinklers.
21. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
22. Having someone tell you that you’re beautiful. [udah biasa :D]
23. Laughing at an inside joke.
24. Friends.
25. Falling in love for the first time.
26. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you. [udah biasa :D]
27. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep.
28. Your first kiss.
29. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
30. Playing with a new puppy.
31. Late night talks with your roommate that keep you from sleeping.
32. Having someone play with your hair.
33. Sweet dreams.
34. Hot chocolate.
35. Road trips with friends.
36. Swinging on swings.
37. Watching a good movie cuddled up on a couch with someone you love.
38. Wrapping presents under the Christmas tree while eating cookies and drinking eggnog.
39. Song lyrics printed inside your new CD so you can sing along without feeling stupid.
40. Going to a really good concert.
41. Getting butterflies in your stomach every time you see that one person.
42. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
43. Winning a really competitive game.
44. Making chocolate chip cookies! [lebih suka mkan cookies]
45. Having your friends send you homemade cookies!
46. Spending time with close friends!
47. Seeing smiles and hearing laughter from your friends.
48. Holding hands with someone you care about.
49. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
50. Discovering that love is unconditional and stronger than time.
51. Riding the best roller coasters over and over.
52. Hugging the person you love.
53. Watching the expression someone’s face as they open a much-desired present from you.
54. Watching the sunrise.
55. Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day.
56. Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems

*iseng-iseng copast dr blog orang ini

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everything will be okay in the end. if it's not okay, so it's not the end.

*love this quote so much :x

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sensasi rindu setengah mati

bukan aku yang buat judul itu. hanya terinspirasi oleh stats Y!m nya teta [besonderes madchen]. aku lupa apa yang teta tulis tadi. menganggapnya unik tapi tak terlalu menghiraukan.
aku menghabiskan waktu 'senggang' dengan membaca komik. eh ternyata di onemanga ada komik baru. aku memilih" dan tertarik pada sebuah sinopsis. aku membaca ceritanya. genrenya kalo ga salah 'supernatural, romance blablabla'. judulnya sakura hime kaden. ceritanya ada demon" dan sebangsanya gitu. biasae aku ga suka sama cerita yang seperti itu tapi setelah ku baca ternyata unsur romance nya lebih mendominasi.
berkali" aku merinding seakan menjadi tokoh nya. ikut merasakan gitulah intinya. trus iseng" aku ol Ym. aku ngeliat kontak yang belum pernah kuliat. namanya sama dengan nama'nya' [meskipun dia nulis dengan alay nya sih]. trus tiba" aku kepikiran dia. kangen banget. padahal baru kemaren ketemu. padahal belakangan ini aku dah yakin ga sesuka itu sama dia. padahal belakangan ini dia lagi jelek"nya. padahal belakangan ini aku sudah memutuskan untuk masang 'gigi mundur'. padahal...
tapi kenapa...

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si merah [dan hitam] dari dunia mikro

mereka [si hitam dan si merah] hidup di dunia mikro. di dunianya, mereka adalah raksasa - raksasa kejam yang tak kenal kasihan pada yang lain. always biting everything anywhere. karena mereka hidup di dunia mikro mereka terlihat begitu kecil bagi kita [mankind].
mitos didunia kita "jangan menebar gula kalau kau tak mau mereka datang". tapi nyatanya itu hanyalah bohong ! Viga adalah salah satu dari berjuta triliun ratus milliyar ribu rupiah korban mereka. padahal tak pernah sekalipun dia menyiakan gula. tapi mereka terus datang berduyun" merah. hitam. putih [kalo ada]. mengganggu !!
bukan makanan yang mereka cari. mereka menyerang laptop Viga. entah apa tujuan mereka. entah apa yang ada dipikiran mereka. Viga hanya tidak tahu maksudnya. berbagai cara Viga tempuh untuk membunuh atau at least mengusir mereka. menyemprot Rexona [yang alay]. memberi umpan lebih sedap dilain tempat. memanggil antbuster [teta]. semua hanya wasting time. Viga menyerah membiarkan nya saja. lalu mereka hilang. sungguh misterius.
Hesty korban lainnya. ntah apa junrungannya mereka mengerubungi sepatu [ato sandal?] Hesty. ah i just dont get it. dan puncak kesebalan terjadi hari ini saat mereka menyerang menginvasi meneleceki makanan Viga aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh sebal !!

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traktiran lucky


tadi siang setelah TO diknas math yang "menyenangkan" aku dan banyak ras1s ditraktir Antonius Lucky Arnando makan" di Banana Leaf. buanyak pol makanane. ada beef black pepper, gurami asam manis, oseng buncis, ikan bakar, bakmi, sapo, gurami abon [??], calamari rings, salad buah, camilan yang lain, dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya pokoe. gendeng ancene. makasi ya luk ya !! sering" ultah ae kon luk !! :D

.tapi sekarang uda mo laper lagi.

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the color

. LOVE . happy love . sad love . unrequited love . secret love . restricted love . friendship love . blossom love . 'apapun' love
love is so color full don't you think?

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rep: fresh [my scrapbook of life]

hmm.. emang udah sebulanan ya?! ga kerasa
abis ngebaca postingan 'ts' temen sekelasku, jadi flash back ke masa lalu [ya tidak terlalu lalu lalu banget sih]. seperti yang sudah diceritakan semua berawal dari presentasi PKn. saat 'dr' presentasi di depan kelas bersama kelompoknya entah kenapa dari sudut pandang saya - yang berada di baris pojok belakang - 'dr' ganteng [apalagi rambutnya yang lagi lucu itu]. tapi berhubung saya adalah seorang plegmatis saya tidak berani mengungkapkan pendapat saya tersebut [takut di 'yeeek'-in ma anak-anak]. jadilah saya diam saja. tiba-tiba si 'ts' bilang "eh 'dr' ganteng ya". karena ada provokatornya jadilah saya seorang sanguinis yang cerewet. hohohoho [berkepribadian ganda]
ntah beberapa hari setelahnya aku memiliki seorang teman yang ternyata juga suka [ralat: kembali suka] pada 'dr'. si 'ff' namanya. merasa senasib itulah kami
* about me, dr and ff

jadi keinget kisah temenku yang lain 'ct'. dia yang sejak zamannya si linggis bisa berenang udah suka sama 'cw' merasa kalo ada some [one] other boy yang merasa GeeR [katanya]. 'zz' namanya, padahal kita semua tau kalo si 'zz' uda taken gitu. hahaha dasar anak anak jaman sekarang
* about zz, ct and cw

trus yang buat paling sebel, ga terima, lega, aneh, itu adalah urusan 'ts'. berawal dari 3DG, ts dan cb terlihat semakin dekat. unusually closer. jadilah me and ct mengira there are something between them. si ff juga blang gtu dan beberapa yang lain juga berprasangka demikian. hingga pada suatu hari saya sudah tak sanggup lagi menahan rasa ingin tahu yang menggebu ini dan memutuskan untuk bertanya langsung padanya. berusaha mengumpulkan so much courages to say a few words to her. aku ga berani tetepan jadi ct yang ngomong. dan jawabannya sungguh sangat"""""" me-(nyegekkan, legakan, sebelkan, unbelievable-kan, ngecewakan dan sebagainya gitu lah). padahal me and ct tu uda degdegan gitu [secara kita kan ngefans ma cb juga hehe]. and then i must say "ts hebat+jahat karena sudah mematahkan anggapan paling sedikit 7 orang!"
* about us, ts and cb

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obrolan anak kos

ayo keluar
kemana aja. o iya aku lupa belom beli ****sensor****
iya uda penuh lupa ganti
masi ada tah?
masi tinggal satu
ngaggur bosen
adu uas lagi deh biar ga nganggur
cettok cettok

pengen di sms dr. tapi dia mo sms apa?

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some funny picts

* i wondered why
*who wants to be cremated?
*hahaha so stupid

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freakin' happy

confused. i don't know what to write. there are so many things happened in this past few days. i dont know how to start it. about my school days [exams day]. my current friends. my old friends. the messages. HIM [dr]. my very cute face :]. argh.. there are a bunch of things that i can't write. just want you all know that i'm so freakin' happy to hell !!

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mereka ada di satu kelompok [again]
dan aku biasa ae
yo ancene biasa ae se
zaff ja yang lebai nyeritainnya [peace zaff ! aku tau kok perasaanmu zaff]

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20 fact about guys

Guys don’t actually look after good-looking girls. They prefer neat and presentable girls. [hmmmm..]Guys love flirts. [womans love too]A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterward. [how lame!!]“Are you doing something?” or “Have you eaten already?” are the first usual questions a guy asks on the phone just to get out from stammering. [haha simple opening questions]Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about. [let me know who she is]When a guy really likes you, he’ll disregard all your bad characteristics. [uh wow]Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile. [are you?]Guys will do anything just to get the girl’s attention. [me too i think]Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend. [lawas!!]When guys want to meet your parents. Let them. [no coment]Guys cry!!!!!!!! [biasa ae wah!]Guys usually try hard to get the girl who has dumped them, and this makes it harder for them to accept their defeat. [udahlah.. menyerah saja hoho]When you touch a guy’s heart, there’s no turning back. [then tell me how to touch theirs]Giving a guy a hanging message like “You know what?!..uh…never mind!” would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking. [i've tried that one]Guys go crazy when girls touch their hands. [hands? i'll try it :D]Guys are good flatterers when courting but they usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like. [went blank? aku juga]Guys love their moms. [i love momy too]A guy often thinks about the girl who likes him. But this doesn’t mean that the guy likes her. [is he thinkking about me?]Beware. Guys can make gossips scatter through half of the face of the earth faster than girls can. [apalagi eno. hahaha peace no!]No guy is bad when he is courting. [sumpah?]

*sudah puas saya mengeblog sekarang belajar lagi!!

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random things

bosen belajar. jealous. justin bieber. 2010. indomie goreng pedas. indomie sate. royal hypermart. geez. onemanga. V.i.g.a. Guys go crazy over a girl’s smile [really?]. tumblrtumblrtumblr. matematika [integral prolin vektor matrix transformasi]. agama [nikahnikah what ever itu sejarah islam]. aargh ... !! mimpi yang so damn hurting my chest much. thanks to Zafira Rahmania Wardani [walaupun ga da di mimpiku] yg bangunin aku haha. alexander. arai. thalaq. ruju'. dr's intense look for fx [in my dream]. 4.09. utamakan keselamatan balfour beatty sakti-murinda. pigeon p. over again.
udah ayo belajar lagi !!

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